Sunday, January 25, 2009

"What the hell is in the water in Bucks County?"

That was the question posed by Dom Giordano of The Big Talker 1210 Philadelphia on Friday night while covering the recent rash of UFO sightings in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. As expected, the segment was chock full of ridicule and laughter. Dom voiced his dissent with authority -- despite knowing virtually nothing of the subject -- talking down to UFO witnesses and "believers" while asking childish questions of his virtual audience.

"Why do the aliens always have to be smarter than us?" (he seemed to want to boast his intellectual superiority over hypothetical alien beings able to engineer craft capable of interstellar travel. No, he was serious.)

Giordano, as many talking heads before him, argued the practical impossibility that the U.S. government could withhold information on something as significant as ET visitation. "Doesn't anyone realize how hard that would be to do?" No kidding, Dom. The government hasn't exactly done a stellar job at keeping peoples mouths shut. The problem is, nobody is listening.

The real question is, when will the mainstream media get their heads out of their asses? Honestly. How often must we be treated to a rehashing of misconceptions and discriminatory stereotypes before journalists actually decide to do their damn jobs? Whatever happened to "just the facts"?

Journalists these days are too cowardly, it seems, to fairly address taboo subjects like UFOs. Such subjects are apparently exceptions to the universal journalistic rules of fairness and balance.

Dom Giordano, and the rest of the media intelligentsia, need to grow a pair.

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